Monday, December 21, 2009

Shhh. I'm Trying to Watch the Commercials!

This one goes out to the geniuses that have slowly eked their advertising sludge into movie theaters prior to showings.  You know who you are.  You're the scumbags that justify your odious actions by saying things like, "gotta make a living," and "gotta pay the bills," or "just doing my job."  Well, thanks to you fucks I have to be assaulted every time I go to the movies by loud, obnoxious ads, selling crap like Windows, or Coke, or some telecommunications BS that I don't need.

Ya' see, back in the day there was a time when, because you actually paid for the movie, you got to avoid things like advertising and commercials.  Why?  Because you paid!  That's the point.  But now, things have slowly changed to a state where this kind of egregious treatment is commonplace, and no one does a damn thing about it.  You have actually paid for the privilege of getting advertised to.  Sound kooky?  That's because it is.  I firmly believe that humans, when left to their own devices, will inevitably fuck one another, and not  in a good way. This is an example of such a fucking.  Incidentally, this is why unregulated capitalism is really not such a good idea, but that's a bedtime story for another evening, kiddies.

Want to do something about it?  Bitch at these folks just to get it out of your system:

AMC Entertainment Inc.
P.O. Box 725489
Atlanta, GA 31139-9923
Click on "share an idea" and let them have one:

Or these clowns:

Mann Theatres
16530 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 500
Encino, California 91436

Or these:

Cinemark (Century Theaters)

Cinemark USA, Inc.
3900 Dallas Parkway, Suite 500
Plano, TX 75093-7865
Email contact page:

Or even these:

Customer Service
Landmark Theatres
2222 South Barrington Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90064

Okay, back to the soulless cunts that foisted their ad shit on us.  Ala Sam Kinison: I hope you slide under a gas truck and taste your own blood.

On a scale of 1 to 5 megatons, 1 being bad teenage angst poetry and 5 being bad teenage love poetry, I give them:

2 MEGATONS!  These people aren't as numerous as you think.  Two megatons should be enough to eradicate the scurrying cockroaches that they are.

Next up: Abortion and Health Care.  You'll be surprised where I fall on this one.


  1. Saw Avatar in the Imax today, and what do you know, no commercials (at least not after the lights dimmed, plenty of them during the wait for people to get seated). Maybe the $12 ticket price offsets the commercials? Or maybe they don't translate well to the Imax format? Still, it was nice, since I was preparing myself for them, and then the actual movie started.

  2. The lights in our theater didn't dim until almost the beginning of the film. It was weird. Either way, we got commercials until the previews. Oh, and I spent $15 bucks--you'd think I could skip fucking ads for that price!


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