Thursday, December 10, 2009

O-bomb-a Receives Orwell Prize

Well, today was the day.  The day Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize.  It's cool and shiny and looks like this (well, like that over there to the left at any rate).  And the guy that got it was cool and shiny and looks like that there photo. 
Aside from this apparent similarity, Obama and the Prize have absolutely nothing in common.  Ya' see, you really can't win a prize about peace after you announce the need for systematic increases in troops and bombings to continue a war that is both immoral and illegal in a country thousands of miles away (well, I guess you can, but in my world it seems something like a contradiction in terms.  Call me crazy).

Not only does this strike me as just another example of the lunacy the world is currently enduring, but Obama had the temerity to give a speech actually defending the need for war--and he just had to invoke the name of Hitler to do it.  If there was indeed a just war, WWII might have been it, but in comparison to the thousands of unjust wars that have plagued our beleaguered planet, his defense falls apart like a democratic congress in the face of the Health Care Lobby.

If Obama had but a hint of integrity about this thing he would have declined to accept it on the grounds that he's about the bomb the hell out of Afghanistan, and somehow bombs and peace don't mix well.  Let me be clear about what the prize is supposedly given for: "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". (  Where in this is there anything that Obama has done or will do?  Standing armies?!?!?  Am I on crazy here?  Not only that, but there were countless dozens of others that better deserved this thing than he.  People who have given their entire lives to living in the hells of the world to bring about peace.  I guess they just weren't standing presidents at the time.  Too bad for them.

So, sadly I have to admit that yet another of Orwell's predictions has come to pass.  I guess War does really equal Peace after all.

I'm not giving Obama any megatons this time.  He has enough of his own.  But I am awarding him the Orwell Prize for Peace.  He has indeed earned that.


  1. Ya know, by that definition, I can't think of too many of the people awarded that prize in the past decade or so that actually deserved it. They really ought to just stop awarding it if there aren't any deserving candidates. Then getting it might actually mean something again.


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