Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Grayson Superhero

Okay, I'm going to forgo my abortion health care talk (I know, boo hoo) to mention, briefly, a true badass in the US House of Reps.  America, I give you Alan Grayson, Representative of the 8th district of Florida.

Recently Alan said what all of us have been wanting to say, and all of us have been wanting to hear.  He barbequed the Republican block of stonewallers that have unabashedly acted in outright contempt of the office of the presidency the likes of which were never seen during the Bush administration during a Democratic minority, no matter how deserved.

The republicans have acted like a bunch of privileged frat rats on a drunken yacht binge, caterwauling at the top of their lungs, during what used to be fairly honorable proceedings on the floor of one of the highest offices in the nation.  Waving blank pages during Obama's health care speech and yelling, "Liar!" are but a few examples of the egregious disrespect shown the office by the Republicans.  Children playing with adult toys.

Just to be clear, I'm no fan of this Health Care bill--I think it's a bunch of BS, lobbied to death by a powerful, wholly undemocratic cabal of petty, greedy institutions that couldn't care less about human health and human care.  But I am a fan of someone who, refreshingly, finally has the balls to say something about the state of our decaying nation--AND didn't apologize for it.

Without further ado, here is Alan Grayson.  Enjoy!

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