Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Joe Six-Fuck

Ah, Joe Lieberman.  His name rolls off the tongue like Ghengis Khan and Stalin.  Known not for his kindness, advances in art, or general skill with anything other than a fork, he sends torrential shivers of hatred down the backs of anyone that hears his name other than the black-hearted.

Good ol' Joe to date has claimed himself the ringleader of moral terpitude, valiantly staving off the repugnant idea that government might get into the health care business.  If this were even remotely true, I might side with Joe--the idea of him touching my genitals and telling me to cough encourages the gorge to rise in the back of my throat.  But, just as with most politicians, it isn't even a half-truth.  They make it seem that state officials would start acting as doctors, fumbling around in people guts with staplers and ballpoint pens.  No, doctors would remain doctors, and things would roll along pretty seamlessly as they do in countless other, more civilized, nations.  The very fact that he refers to it as a business, betrays his true aims here--to make sure business stays in business and remains good for those that can pay (him).  Sick fuck.

Aside from this, the single-handed hijacking of politics by one man steeped in platitudes of political service is enough to drive anyone with a sound mind insane with rage.  You see, Joe is a liar, a gambler.  Up until the very last, Joe supported expanding medicare, supported health care reform, and supported it as late as this September.  Why?  Because he needed a dumb democratic-based support system in the Senate to get him his chairs, to give him his secure position, to allow him to have any power whatsoever.  In other words, he's a turncoat fuck that is only looking out for himself, and as such he need to be shown for the zombie legislator he is and shipped across the isle to spread his brand of contemptuous, feckless, disease to those wastelanders he finds there.  Let them gorge themselves on each others' entrails.  In the meantime we'll take the time to get some things actually accomplished in this decaying nation.

Speaking of zombies, am I the only one that is starting to see politicians in this sickly, greenish light?  It seems that you get rid of one and more pop up out of nowhere to take their place, drooling and looking for human meat to feast on.  Remember Tom DeLay?  Remember Jesse Helms?  Remember Donald Rumsfeld?  Well, someday we'll be struggling to remember the dickhead in Connecticut who foiled true democracy and we'll get our health insurance bill in the mail--and we'll remember: "Oh yeah, Lieberman.  I remember him well."

On a scale of 1-5 megatons, 1 being Joe Lieberman at age 14 and 5 being Joe Lieberman in about 2 weeks, I give him ---

4.5 MEGATONS!  I'm keeping a half megaton in my hip pocket for the next zombie that raises it's ugly head and proclaims: "I'm a politician.  I'm here to serve the public."

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