Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bullets Not Over Broadway

My mom sent me one of those feel-good power point things that's the new bulk forwarding email creation in vogue right now.  Amidst the parade of places I'll never visit, emotions I'll never feel, pets I'll never own, and the like, was this:

It has been said over and over again that a picture is worth a thousand words--well, it's true, and perhaps a bit more.  While we're looking down the barrel of an escalated war in Afghanistan and a prolonged war in Iraq and a clandestine, who-the-fuck-knows-what-type-of-war in Pakistan, this picture sings as to what that just might look like.

You won't see this on any mainstream media outlets.  They don't like to show you war.  Why?  Because you don't like to see it.  And they're only going to show you what you want to see.  Why? Because then they can show you what they really like to show you, what they exist for in the first place:  their advertising.

Well, while you're wondering how to get your hands on that new useless piece of crap, someone is sitting, somewhere, with a gun in his hand, wondering when he'll fire, and when he'll be shot.

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