Friday, November 27, 2009

Hungry for Justice

I was listening to NPR (National Petroleum Radio) the other day and the topic of debate was the FDA report that was recently released saying that something like 35 million Americans are what is called "food insecure."  This basically means that these people have reported going hungry or having no food at some point during the last year.

Well, on the show (and to the point of this post) was this lunatic fuckhead (if only I had his name--Lunatic T. Fuckhead will have to suffice) that had the temerity, born only from the dripping right-wing cesspool, to say that the dramatic rise in people getting food from places like food banks was primarily due to "poor people taking advantage of free food" and that "the real number is ONLY about 10 million people" that go hungry (emphasis added by God).

Never mind that if this were true we wouldn't have seen a RISE in people using such facilities, the numbers would be consistent from years passed--it's not like the poor recently sent out a newsletter to the their thieving members informing them that new shipments of free food had just come in and they should hurry their grimy asses over to the food bank for free butter.  And never mind that 10 million people going hungry is just as reprehensible as 30 million or 50 million.  Why such a block-head is allowed to voice an opinion so outside any idea of sanity is beyond me--call it the fucked up times we live in.  In NPR's defense (and I won't defend them often), they did have a gentleman on that called this bonehead's assessment "offensive."

So, my suggestion to Lunatic T. Fuckhead?  For fuck's sake, take a ball-peen hammer, pound a botchulism infested ice-pick into your right eyeball, and die.  Let the local wild fauna eat your body; you make better food than you do anyone who can talk about it rationally.

On a scale of 1-5 megatons, 1 being the asshole that puts things back in the wrong place at the super-market and 5 being Dick Cheney, this asshole gets a whopping:

4 MEGATONS--let's face it, hunger sucks, and anyone who can't see that spending billions on a war light-years away while not feeding your own populace WHILE BLAMING THE PROBLEM ON THE POOR is morally repugnant and deserves nothing other than to be eaten by rabid cats and shit into a steaming litter box.


  1. Keep venting love! You put a voice to the disheartened girl inside of me that didn't realize it would be this hard to help people understand.

  2. Thank you, doll. Your feedback keeps me chuggin' along like the deranged, runaway train that could.


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