Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Post

This very first post appropriately goes out to Mr. I-use-a-test-name-to-test-my-blog-that-is-perfectly-usable-and-now-no-one-will-be-able-to-ever-ever-use-it-again.  Yeah, this one's for you, douchebag.  I went through like three totally usable names, and guess what?  They're all taken.  But not just taken, they simply say at the top: "Test," and then nothing.  How about this, doucheapotamous?  Use a fucking random series of letters to test your damn blog.  Don't waste a perfectly good name that others just might want to use for themselves.  Ya' see?  This is why humans suck.  Even for slight infractions like the one I'm griping about here.  People like this abound.  They don't think, for a second, beyond themselves.  Other people in the world?  News to me.  Yeah, well don't be surprised when you're driving 45 on the freeway and someone flips you off.  There are other people in the world, Virginia--and yes, they think you suck, too.

On a scale of 1-5 megatons, 1 being the normal level of suckage and 5 being catastrophic, please put a gun in your mouth for the sake of everyone else suckage, this deserves a mere:

1 MEGATON.  Let's face it, there ARE worse people in the world.  And we'll get to them soon enough.

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