Monday, January 4, 2010

Neocons Respond to Avatar

Okay, while I found the story itself to be woefully two-dimensional, the characters tired clones of other tired characters, and the wrap up fairly silly, I have to say anything that pisses off both the Neocons of the world AND evangelical Christians, has my vote. 

It's funny, but Neocons from time immemorial have been excoriating Hollywood for it's liberal agenda, its leftist morality plays, its hippie-friendly themes, but give them a television show like 24 and they just can't help but clap and giggle like a schoolgirl at the glee-club pep rally.  If they had their way, every single movie would have dark bearded men stalking white women getting punched in the jaw by an Aryian looking dude with an American flag tatooed across his face, "You just messed with the wrong Red Blooded American, terrorist!"

You see, the reason this stuff pisses neocons off, is that they lack any imagination whatsoever.  They love the infinitesimal world they support (and are supported by), and they can't see beyond it.  They can't even imagine how it must be to live on the other end of their most valued policies--they can't imagine suffering, inescapable poverty, or their families being killed by machines stamped with "Made in America" across their armored shells.

Well, until 24 becomes a flop of a movie let us hold our glasses up high and salute yet another year of movie making that will, Gods willing, piss off yet more neocon dullards.

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