Thursday, August 25, 2011

He loves me, he loves me not...

A recent wikileaks document has revealed that John McCain had favorable dealings with Muammar Gaddafi as late as 2009.  Apparently the document shows that McCain was willing to secure weapons for the dictator.

McCain's stance on Libya took a flip-flop when the Obama administration got involved in the conflict.  On the Senate floor, McCain chastised the administration for not attacking Gaddafi soon enough, for not being strong against oppression, etc. etc.  This coming from the man that wholeheartedly supported the regime not a scant two years earlier.  How embarrassing.

We have a word, Mr. McCain, for those that say one thing and do another...

They're called Republicans.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Right Wing. Mmmm...Nom Nom Nom

This from NOM (The National Organization for Marriage)

To say that the right wing has gone off the deep end is an understatement to end all understatements. 

How do these people put on pants in the morning?  And drive cars?  And navigate the varied complexities of normal life, like buying coffee with correct change, and making sandwiches.  You'd think they are so concerned with their own retarded development that all of the above would be impossible.  But no.  And then they manage to get elected.  To government.  In the United States.  It boggles the mind.

It also boggles the mind that they are concerned with who is sucking who and who is fucking who while real problems affect real people on a real scale.  "What?  People are starving all over the world?  The teenage sex trade is rampant?  Hey!  Get your dick out of there!"

Here's my ammended pledge for Michele-even-in-this-fucked-political-climate-will-never-be-elected-president-but-thanks-for-trying-Bachmann:

I, Michele Bachmann, if elected President, I will: Buy a shit ton of meth, snort every last sparkling crystal, climb the nearest rooftop naked, put a large caliber weapon to my head and pull the trigger while yelling: "I'm coming Jesus!  I'm coming!"

I think that would be a more fitting and apropos ending for the comedian.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The American People...personified.

Currently, the American People are like a hooker that pays you for a blowjob.

The People: *Cough* *Gurgle* "We done?  That's 50 bucks."

The Banks: "Thanks hon.  Put it in my back pocket while I wipe my dick in your curtains.  And don't forget the tip."

Crude?  Yes.  Accurate?  Yes.

Needs changing?  Yup.